Welcom to the 69th army ranger division's home page. We are a Delta force squad compeating on Nova Word.

69th Ranger Division

If you are intrested in joining
E-mail me at Smokfox101@netscape.net, be shure to include your full name, age, prefered weapon, secondary weapon, side arm, what types of games you like to play, and desired call sign.

John Doe/99/M4/laws/.45/king of the hill/pvt.rock~69th~

The rules are:
-Absolutly no cheating at all
-No swearing durring games
-You will be expected to show up for Wendsday nigt boot camp at 8:00 P.M. pacific time for weekly trainig, or recuriting.
-We strictly follow the chain of command private is the lowest general is the highest. you will always obey your CO, or you will be banned from the squad.
-Any questions?

Want to challange us e-mail the rangers at x69thrangerdivision@email.com

our current record is..
wins loses
0 0

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